Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) is an international development organization with headquarters in Canada and offices around the world, including in Nairobi, Kenya. MEDA was conducting research and planning for a new economic development project in the Coast and Lake Zone areas of Kenya. This proposed project will focus on private sectors development for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in the poultry, fisheries, and horticulture sectors, with focus on economic opportunities for women in business. Research, meetings, and conversation were to inform MEDA to write and submit a project plan for funding this project. To inform the planning stage of this project, MEDA was conducting field research and meeting with key stakeholders in a variety of sectors related to this project.
Mennoninte Economic Development Associates (MEDA).
Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Siaya, Busia, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu and Mombasa.
Actual services provided to Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)
- Provided support to MEDA’s Project Implementation Plan (PIP) research, development, and report writing for the Leveraging Equality for Gender-Inclusive Economic Development (LEGEND) project in Kenya.
- Focally supported as an Agri-Business and Value Chain Specialist, and as the planning coordinator for the Coast Zone PIP work,
- Identified and coordinate meetings with relevant stakeholders, in agreement with the MEDA Proposal Lead.